Several issues to be aware of when using LED products

1. Anti-static LED products should adopt anti-static measures in the process of processing and production, such as: workbench should be grounded, workers should wear anti-static clothing, with anti-static ring, and with anti-static gloves, etc. Electrostatic ion fan, at the same time to ensure that the humidity in the production workshop is about 65%, so as to avoid the air being too dry to produce static electricity, especially the green LED is easily damaged by static electricity. In addition, the antistatic ability of LEDs of different quality grades is also different, and the antistatic ability of LEDs with higher quality grades is stronger. 2. DC constant current power supply should be used. Some manufacturers use the “resistive-capacitance and step-down” method to supply power to LED products in order to reduce product cost, which will directly affect the life of LED products. A dedicated switching power supply (preferably a constant current source) should be used to power the LED product so that it does not affect the life of the product, although the product cost is relatively high. 3. The temperature rise will make the internal resistance of the LED become smaller. When the external ambient temperature rises, the internal resistance of the LED light source will decrease. If the power supply is used, the operating current of the LED will increase. When the rated operating current is exceeded, Will affect the service life of LED products, the LED light source will be burned out seriously, so the constant current source should be used to ensure that the working current of the LED is not affected by the external temperature. 4. Sealed LED products of LED products are often used outdoors, and are also faced with waterproof and moisture-proof sealing problems. If not handled well, it will directly affect the service life of LED products. Some manufacturers who require high quality products use traditional epoxy "watering" methods to seal LED products. This method is cumbersome to operate and is not suitable for larger LED products (such as LED guardrail lights). It will also cause an increase in the weight of the product. 5. LED guardrail light control technology The most widely used control technology for LED guardrail lights is the "serial communication" method. The advantage is that each guardrail lamp has no specific "code", and each branch can be exchanged freely for production and engineering installation. However, its biggest disadvantage is that once there is a damage, it will directly affect all the guardrail lights behind it. For hundreds or even several kilometers of guardrail light projects, due to external factors and the quality of the product itself.